Virustotal uploader with roguekiller
Virustotal uploader with roguekiller

virustotal uploader with roguekiller virustotal uploader with roguekiller
  1. Virustotal uploader with roguekiller how to#
  2. Virustotal uploader with roguekiller code#
  3. Virustotal uploader with roguekiller download#

"iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "e937f2bcf7" to virtual address "0x77D2E963" (part of module "USER32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "e9b2964bf9" to virtual address "0x76309D0B" (part of module "OLE32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "e96ff1bcf7" to virtual address "0x77D2E9C9" (part of module "USER32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "e9b090a5f7" to virtual address "0x77CDABE1" (part of module "USER32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "e9e9f0bcf7" to virtual address "0x77D2E9ED" (part of module "USER32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "e9ee7e63f9" to virtual address "0x762C6143" (part of module "OLE32.DLL") "iexplore.exe" wrote bytes "e9fda442f9" to virtual address "0x764D4731" (part of module "OLEAUT32.DLL") Tries to access unusual system drive letters "DisplayName"="Mises" (Indicator: "wuauserv") "DisplayName"="Centre de s" (Indicator: "wscsvc"), "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 Start "" "%VirusTotalUploaderTool%" "%File2Upload%" Taskkill /im "VirusTotalUploader2.2.exe" /f >nul 2>&1Įcho Please wait a while ! Uploading file "%~nx1" to VirusTotal is in progress. If Not Exist "%Files_List2Upload%" ( Goto :Error )įor /f "delims=" %%f in ('Type "%Files_List2Upload%"') Do ( Set "Files_List2Upload=%~dp0ListFiles.txt"Įcho Creating a list of all *.exe files located on your temporary folder. If Not Exist "%VirusTotalUploaderTool%" ( Call:Downloading ) Please wait.Įcho Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"Įcho UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c ""%~s0"" %params%", "", "runas", 1 > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" :: Automatically check & get admin rights Title "%~nx0" for Multi-files VirusTotal Uploader by Hackoo 2017 This is a special batch in order to upload all your *.exe suscpects files located on your temporary folder with command line to in the same time.

Virustotal uploader with roguekiller code#

I answser my self and i share my code with you ! Powershell.exe -command "(New-Object ).DownloadFile('%1','%2')" Rem Silent installation of vtuploader2.2.exe the uploading tool Įcho Installing "vtuploader2.2.exe" is in progress. Title Installing "vtuploader2.2.exe" is in progress. Rem Downloading vtuploader2.2.exe to the temporary folder Set "Setup_File=%MyDownload_Folder%\vtuploader2.2.exe"Įcho Please wait a while ! downloading "vtuploader2.2.exe" is in progress. If Not Exist "%MyDownload_Folder%" MD "%MyDownload_Folder%" Set "MyDownload_Folder=%temp%\MyDownload" Rem Create "MyDownload" folder in the temporary folder Title Downloading VirusTotal Uploader Tool v2.2 by Hackoo 2017 Taskkill /IM "VirusTotalUploader2.2.exe" /F Start /wait "" "%VirusTotalUploaderTool%" "%File2Upload%" If Not Exist "%VirusTotalUploaderTool%" ( Set "VirusTotalUploaderTool=%ProgramFiles%\VirusTotalUploader2\VirusTotalUploader2.2.exe" Set "File2Upload=%windir%\system32\wscript.exe"Įcho Please wait a while ! Uploading file to VirusTotal is in progress.

Virustotal uploader with roguekiller how to#

So, my question is : How to close correctly the virustotal uploader tool after uploading a file by batch off The problem is after being uploaded by this tool, it remain opened !

Virustotal uploader with roguekiller download#

I'm making a batch file to download the virustotal uploader tool in order to upload a suspect file.

Virustotal uploader with roguekiller