Ironroot basin solar ash
Ironroot basin solar ash

ironroot basin solar ash

Money Multiplier: Wearing Erving's suit, the "Aegis Wellspring", doubles Rei’s intake of plasma, the game’s main form of currency for when Rei needs to repair her shields.Over the course of the game, she finds out that (sans C.Y.D., and in the end Darb) none of her fellow Voidrunners are alive, her planet was already destroyed, leaving with her no home, friends or family to go back to, and, a result of those things, she slowly finds her having nothing left to live for, making way for her mutation into Remnant late in the game. Meaningful Name: Her name means "zero" in Japanese, and given that the number obviously represents having nothing, the meaning fits her in the most tragic way.

ironroot basin solar ash

  • Life Drain: Wearing Pyat's suit, the "Engine Robber", allows Rei to regain shield energy from killing enemies.
  • #Ironroot basin solar ash zip#

  • Hard Light: Presumably through the use of voidtech, Rei has the ability to use light energy in the form of either Razor Wind-like attacks that she can unleash on enemies or as a grappling hook of sorts to zip to different hook points on an anomaly in order to take it out, whether it's an environmental anomaly or a weak point on the Remnants, boss-based massive anomalies.
  • Ghostly Glide: The way she floats along the blue-green clouds of the Ultravoid resembles this when she's not skating on them.
  • Fragile Speedster: Rei is pretty speedy and agile, but she can only take up to five hits before it's lights out for her.
  • Wearing the Shepherd's Calling suit adds to the effect by making the ending trail of her hair red. Despite being pitch black like her "skin", Rei's "hair" has this kind of effect going for it with the way it moves.
  • Face-Monster Turn: Regardless of whether she chooses to activate the Starseed or not, Rei transforms into a towering Remnant "Wretched Rei" called after succumbing to the despair of learning that the Starseed will only cause her to relive the destruction of her planet.
  • Extra Eyes: Based on the mild amazement she reacts with upon seeing a corpse in Ahrric's hovel that “only” has two eyes, Rei is apparently a naturally three-eyed being.
  • Wearing Tufte's suit, the "Shepherd's Calling", adds to her scanning ability by allowing her to pick up signals for Voidrunner caches as well.
  • Everything Sensor: To keep players from getting lost or confused about what they need to do, Rei can scan whatever area she's in in order to search for anomalies and C.Y.D.
  • Celestial Body: When wearing the Absolution suit, her exposed arms and shins have this effect.
  • Big “NO!”: She reacts with a few of these in response to seeing what appears to be a replay of her home planet being destroyed by the Ultravoid.
  • When she obtains the other fallen Voidrunner suits, the cloaks come in different colors.

    ironroot basin solar ash

  • Badass Cape: Her signature suit, the Tempest Adagio, sports a long, translucent purple cloak.
  • All Your Powers Combined: When players choose to destroy the Starseed, the events that follow grant Rei access to the √bsolution’ suit, which combines and amplifies the special abilities of all the other Voidrunners’ suits.
  • The protagonist of the game, Rei is a member of a team of space explorers known as Voidrunners, whose mission to keep their home planet from being destroyed by a black hole called the Ultravoid.

    Ironroot basin solar ash