you never know what a simple, unassuming monster might grow into eventually. On the other hand, there's plenty of Magikarp Power surprises, even on the first map. You can still train them all the way to 150, of course, should you be so inclined - and they WILL kick ass at that point - but you'd still have been better off spending all that time on an Olympus Mons or something of a similar tier. Simple monsters that evolve once, quickly - or not at all - and thus get left with sub-par stats and skills. And having some Gold in reserve is VERY nice if you happen across one of those ultra-rare 0.1% encounter-rate monsters. It's the only way you'll have enough to buy a reasonable number of Gold Eggs. (You can also buy Recipes and Spirit Totems with gold, but all of those can just as easily be obtained through game progress, so why bother?) Need more gold? Buy some with RL cash.

You can use Gold to buy Gold Monster Cards, which will capture any enemy monster with absolute accuracy (useful for those super-rares), or buy Golden Eggs which MAY turn out to contain ultra-rare Dragon Hathlings. A few missions will award you a small amount of Gold, however, which has other uses. Most of what you do in-game nets you 'Silver', which you use for buying most of the game's standard stuff.

A max level sacrifice increases the resulting attacks power by a terrifying 450%. Blood Magic: The Archdemon's signature Sacrifice spell which kills one of your own monsters not currently in the battle to power up an already insanely powerful attack.The two main variants are a Giant Turtle, and an Unhappy Bird. Lots of tough enemies use them by the dozen, because - unlike you - they don't have to worry about fighting their way through a long dungeon to get to the battle. They invariably hit the entire enemy party for a crapload of damage. Action Bomb: Several monsters have powerful Self-Destruct techniques.